MADAME (2021)

Duration: unknown | Release date: uknown
A teenage boy’s doomed love story for his glamorous French instructor in 1960s Poland.
Madame is a story about Poland during the grim years of Soviet-controlled mediocrity, with a sparkle of light and humor. Young narrator-hero is suffering through the regulated boredom of high school when he is transfixed by a new teacher -an elegant “older woman” (she is thirty-two) who bewitches him with her glacial beauty and her strict intelligence. He resolves to learn everything he can about her and to win her heart. He soon begins following her and researching her life to feed his obsession. He discovers that she is the daughter of a man who left Poland for political reasons during the 1940s, and that she has felt uncertain of her own identity for much of her adult life. He learns much more than he expected to..about politics, Poland, and his own passion for theater and art, all while his loved one continues to elude him. Yet without realising it, his efforts to close in on Madame are his first steps to liberation as an artist. A portrait of an artist as a young man, Madame is a story about strength and weakness, first love, and the efforts we make to reconcile, in art, the opposing forces of reason and passion.
Directed by: Jacek Borcuch
Based on bestseller by: Antoni Libera
Produced by: Marta Habior